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The BEAM Lab is interested in ultrasonic beamforming and elastography solutions to clinical problems.


Our current beamforming efforts focus on non-linear beamforming strategies for aperture domain signals. The aperture domain signal is the RF signal sampled by each transducer element. We are currently working towards clinical trials to characterize our non-linear beamformer's performance for early screening for hepatocellular carcinoma.

Perfusion Imaging

We're interested in using ultrasound to visualize perfusion in unresolvable vasculature without contrast agents. For a long time this was considered to be impossible, but thanks to some recent work by our group and others, we're showing that it can be done. We've shown that this technique is sensitive enough to detect changes in muscle perfusion induced by contraction, and more recently we've shown it may be useful for surgical guidance.

Bayesian Speckle Tracking

We are pursuing advanced motion estimation techniques with general applicability but designed with our elastography techniques in mind. The approach we've found useful in the heart uses Bayes' theorem to appropriately weight the data with other knowledge about tissue motion. We also find Bayesian speckle tracking useful for dynamic elastography methods like acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging.

Brett Byram

Brett Byram: BEAM Lab PI

Office: SC 5905
Phone: (615) 343-2327
b.byram _at_ vanderbilt.edu